Tag: Writing

It’s A Road Trip: Day Nine

Completing our Loop the Loop of the Central North Island It was a cracker day for the last of our holiday. A slight frost, steam rising from the hillsides as the sun warmed the paddocks, not a breath of wind – Joni Mitchell on the playlist, the road […]

The First Hurdle

Zero to Hero: Assignment One I’ve had my blog for almost two years. I signed up in 2012. My first post was two photos of kiwi icons. Both of them food: Marmite, which is a staple in my house, and a mutton bird, which I’ve eaten only once. […]

One Kindle and Two Books

  I’m a Kindle and, by implication, Amazon fan. My Amazon Wish List is like my very own library; one which is as wide-ranging as I want to make it. It can and does include pieces of whimsy and fantasy, literary reads, and matters for serious research. The […]