Off-shore Adventures

Bangkok, City of Angels

I’m in Bangkok, city of angels, and sticky heat, and stinky smells, and food, glorious food. There have been a few changes since I was here in January. The night market at On Nut, where I ate my very first meal on the very first night of our first visit to our kids back in 2012—I’m grinning wildly in the photos, thrilled to be there and overwhelmed all at once—a place that in the ensuing two years became a favourite for us all, has gone.

Construction at On Nut

Once was a night market

Progress, I guess. An apartment building with 24 floors will be here in no time. The site is right by the On Nut stop on the BTS sky train—prime land.

As for the hundreds of stall holders who eeked out a living at the market? Some, a few, have stalls skirting the edge of the building site, the others have dispersed.

Nevertheless, people need to eat and to make a living. Street food stalls have appeared in some unlikely places.

Bangkok street scene, near On Nut

Bangkok street scene, near On Nut

Despite the hub bub of the traffic, the heat, the sky train rumbling overhead, this cramped corner was an oasis of calm, the food was prepared with care.

Street food, Bangkok

Bangkok, city of angels

It was delicious.

For the next few weeks I’m on the road, in the air, on a boat, in the jungle, maybe, wandering around Myanmar and Thailand. If my advance research is correct, connectivity is likely to be erratic, at best, in Myanmar. So, although, I hope I’ll be able to put up some posts from time to time, it might prove difficult, if not impossible.

My monthly features: Book of the Month and Freshly Scene, won’t appear again until December.

And don’t be alarmed if things are quiet here, I’ll just be off the grid temporarily, gathering more stories to tell.

Ka Kite ano.

WP  Photography Challenge: Careful

9 replies »

  1. Always things change Jill, sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always interesting. I love the street food and the photo of that beautiful and very clean looking lady cooking up a storm made my mouth water.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, buildings are constructed very fast in your corner of the world! Your city looks fast moving with lots happening. Thank you for sharing the bright colours and uplifting spirit.


  3. I wonder sometimes if we halted all ‘progress’ and gave those affected a chance to weigh pros and cons, if some regions would choose ‘no change’.
    Look forward to your personal take on what’s gone and what’s replaced it.

    Liked by 1 person

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