
Black and White Photography Challenge: Day #3

Day three and for the first time in a couple of months I’m taking you out of Laos, to Bangkok. It’s a city that provokes strong reactions in visitors. In case you haven’t already figured this out about me, I’m in the love it category.

And for no other reason than it’s day three of the challenge I have three images. Three street scenes that tell a story of diversity, of modernity co-existing with the old ways, of people going about their daily business, making ends meet – some more easily than others.

This first I snapped with my iPhone, during our second visit to Bangkok, back in November 2013. It can only be described as a lucky shot. It was the beginning of rush hour and we were sitting on a local bus, hoping we would end up at On Nut. We did.  Some might say every hour in Bangkok is rush hour and that would be true compared to the traffic in my hometown. We have rush minute here, from 5:00 pm to 5:01pm.

Bangkok traffic from an over bridge on Rama 4

Bangkok traffic from an over bridge on Rama 4

This second photo is Soi 81, near On Nut BTS Station. It’s a side street I’ve come to know and love. There’s a guest house there that feels like home. The motorbike taxis zoom up and down the road all day, ferrying passengers from one end of the street to the other. Back in November on Bangkok Street Scenes, I wondered how much Soi 81 might have changed. The answer – it has and it hasn’t. I’ll probably talk more about that in another post.

Motorbike Taxis, Soi 81, Bangkok

Motorbike Taxis, Soi 81, Bangkok

I took the third of the three images looking out at a small back street. We were on a food tour and I was inside learning about  the process for preparing candied peel when this scene caught my eye.

Looking out, looking in

Looking out, looking in

Pommepal from gypsy life: Taking time to see the details invited me to join the Black and White 5 day challenge.  Check out Pommepal’s photo from day three.  It features a rock lined path In Burleigh Heads National Park.

There are only two rules for this challenge:

1. On 5 consecutive days, create a post using either a past or recent photo in B&W.
2. Each day invite another blogging friend to join in the fun.

My third  nominee for this challenge is Debbie over at Deb’s World. She loves to travel, to write, as well as blogging and photography. Currently she’s featuring her sunflower. It’s stunning. Debbie’s photos ooze with the love of life.  Check them out.

23 replies »

  1. All 3 are great shots, telling stories and they all look more graphic in monochrome. I especially like the second one with the framing of the trees in silhouette leading the eye to all the action of the motor taxis


    • They do each tell a story, don’t they. And there’s another layer about the city that they reveal, the three of them together. I like that second shot, too. But number three is pretty close on its heels. Although the light in that third photo was very difficult to manage I love the expression on the face of the stall holder as he glances in at us.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the nomination Jill and for the kind words about my blog. I have participated in the 5 day B&W challenge before but I am keen to give it another try as I learnt a few things about the type of photos to use and think I will do a bit better with my choices. I’ll accept your challenge. Your shots and stories are really interesting. I’m enjoying it immensely as it helps to get to know the person behind the camera a bit more too. 🌻

    Liked by 1 person

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