Month: September 2014


Here in New Zealand, the sap has risen – trees everywhere are bursting in to leaf . The short, grey days of July are consigned to memory – until next year. The blue skies and warm winds of spring invite skiving off. One day last week we did just […]

Reunion Macaroons

Reunions of one sort or another have been on my mind. Our globe-trotting Bangkokians are back in the country, some writing friends are meeting again soon for the first time in years, my occasional series on  life as an AFS exchange student has got me thinking about old friends. […]

The Open Road Beckons

“The open road speaks for a perpetual becoming.” Pico Iyer   I’m continuing my tradition of reading well-known books years after they came to the attention of the rest of the world! But the gap is narrowing. Pico Iyer’s The Open Road was published six years ago, where […]

Another blogging first – a guest post

TimeThief’s onecoolsite is full of information about blogging and the blogosphere for experienced and newbie bloggers alike. I’ve been a follower since March of this year.  Her posts have helped me find my way around the blogging world. At first I didn’t understand much of what was she was writing […]